The reaction of portuguese smes in the face of the covid-19 crisis



Public Policy, Covid-19, Portuguese companies, Economic crisis


Purpose of the study: this study analyzes the micro, small, and medium enterprises SMEs’ reaction toward public policies to support domestic companies during the period of lockdown in Portugal. Methodology/approach: the research used a weekly survey conducted by Statistics Portugal in partnership with Banco de Portugal. The survey, was developed to monitor the impact of the pandemic on companies and this study analyzes the results of the survey. Main results:  the survey indicated that the companies most affected by the lockdown were micro-enterprises, mainly in the hospitality and restaurant industry. However, 82.3% of SMEs completely or partially continued to perform their activities during the lockdown. Most businesses were not planning to use government support mechanisms such as access to credit at lower interest rates. Nevertheless, more than a hundred thousand companies used the instrument of simplified layoffs made available by the government to suspend workers’ contracts. Theoretical/methodological   contributions: the study shows that contrary to the expectations of the policymakers, most SMEs did not use credit as a support tool to overcome the pandemic, among the other support policies the most used was the suspension of payment of tax. Relevance/originality: this study is valuable because it allows the analysis of what types of public policies can lead small businesses to cope with the crisis caused by Covid-19. Social / management contributions: the study also contributes by demonstrating whether the formulation and implementation of public policy can impact small businesses, but policy design has often not effectively reached its target audience.

Biografia do Autor

Silvio Roberto Stefani, Universidade do Porto PT. Unicentro BR. Atlântico Business School PT

Pós-Doutor em Gestão pela FEP - Universidade do Porto (2020-2021). Pós-Doutor em Administração pela Univali (2013-2014). Possui Doutorado em Administração pela Universidade de São Paulo USP - Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade (2008). Docente do Mestrado Profissional em Administração da UNICENTRO - PPGADM e do Mestrado e Doutorado Interdisciplinar PPGDC Unicentro. Projetos de Pesquisa financiados pela Fundação Araucária e CNPq. Bolsista Produtividade da Fundação Araucária. Pesquisador Visitante da FEP -UP e ABS (2021).

Josélia Elvira Teixeira, Universidade do Porto. Unicentro

Pós-Doutora em Gestão pela FEP UP. Doutora em Políticas Públicas pela UFPR. Docente da Unicentro





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